When your printing cartridge runs out ...
Long-term savings up to
- Top quality printTop quality print
- Immediate disposalImmediate disposal
- Recycling and environmental friendlinessRecycling and environmental friendliness
- Long-term functionality and durabilityLong-term functionality and durability
- Simple manipulationSimple manipulation
- Low priceLow price
When buying original cartridges again
you don't save at all
- Top quality print
- Immediate disposalYou buy and take away new cartridges, empty cartridges not needed
- Recycling and environmental friendliness
- Long-term functionality and durability
- Simple manipulation
- Low price
When buying non-original cartridges
of original price
- Top quality printDepends on the alternative manufacturer
- Immediate disposalYou buy and take away other cartridges, empty cartridges not needed
- Recycling and environmental friendliness
- Long-term functionality and durability
- Simple manipulation
- Low price
When filling cartridges at home
of original price
- Top quality print
- Immediate disposalYou order a set for home hand-made filling and then it is up to your skills
- Recycling and environmental friendliness
- Long-term functionality and durability
- Simple manipulation
- Low price
When using Fillpoint filling services and renovations
of original price
- Top quality print
- Immediate disposalIf you are not from Pilsen, you can send us your empty cartridges. We will renovate and fill them and send you back by post.In our shop, ink cartridges are filled immediately until 10 minutes, laser toners until next day
- Recycling and environmental friendliness
- Long-term functionality and durability
- Simple manipulation
- Low price
- More information
For current price lists for certain brands, please see the sidebar. Complete current price lists for all brands of ink and laser printers you can find here.